Part 9….Big Announcement Coming Soon

2 min readMay 13, 2020


Hope you all are doing great! This is part 9 of a 10 part blog series I have been releasing the past week. You can check out previous posts on this medium account if you missed them.These blogs have explored our past and have taken a look at everything the project has done so far, what we are up to now, as well as the future vision for the project. I hope you guys enjoy these informative pieces and if you have any questions or comments feel free to join our Telegram group for the most up to date information and discussions with our community.

This blog will be a bit short, as I’m going to save a lot of it for the final part in the series tomorrow. We have been blown away by the support the project has been getting recently and can’t say enough how much we appreciate it. We are working on so many cool things and more and more opportunities are coming our way that I will share with you all very soon!

2020 has been and will continue to be a big year for the Switch ecosystem. We will release all of the products and features we have been working on as well as some new ones we have yet to mention, and I must say they’re pretty dang cool and I will cover them in tomorrows blog.

Part 10 of this blog series will be released tomorrow and will be a recap of everything I have covered in this series and a whole lot more!

We will also make a BIG announcement tomorrow! Stay Tuned :)



Switch not only gives users the ability to seamlessly “switch” between tokens, but you can buy gift cards, gamble & more!